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Flash e Adobe Reader licenziati da MS su WM

Chissà se arriverà prima Silverlight 2.0 o Flash per WM? smile_regular 

Microsoft has licensed Adobe Flash Lite, the Flash Player runtime for mobile devices, so that Windows Mobile phone users can view Flash content in the browser. Microsoft has also licensed the Adobe Reader LE software, so that Windows Mobile users will be able to view PDFs.
The two companies hope to introduce Flash and PDF support on Windows Mobile devices by year's end.

How would you like to see Flash implemented by default on Windows Mobile?

Fonte: Flashing Windows Mobile with Flash

Print | posted on lunedì 17 marzo 2008 18:20 |



# re: Flash e Adobe Reader licenziati da MS su WM

Sicuramente arriveranno prima del supporto a XPS su mobile :(
17/03/2008 19:25 | Alesssandro Scardova
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