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Larkware Contest Winners

Ci sono un sacco di ottimi tool che hanno partecipato... e questi hanno vinto!

Grand Prize: Snapper
from Leon Bambrick & Atli Björgvin Oddsson

Snapper is an automatic screenshot journal. It sits in the background taking screenshots of your machine every N seconds (where N is configurable of course). When it's time to fill out the dreaded timesheet, this thing is a savior. You can play back any portion of your week (at any speed you like) and quickly come to grips with just what billable work you've managed to do in between reading the Daily Grind and commenting at SlashDot.

First Prize: GhostDoc
from Roland Weigelt

GhostDoc helps you quickly write XML comments for C# code by using a rules-based parsing engine that intelligently evaluates method and property signatures.

Per vedere tutti gli altri partecipanti... leggete il post originale!!!

Fonte: Larkware Contest Winners

Print | posted on mercoledì 16 novembre 2005 00:40 |

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