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Sapevo su cosa stava lavorando il team di Noah (ex MVP lead di VSTS e caro amico), ma questo supera le mie aspettative:

*For those of you, like myself, who weren't lucky enough to be vacationing in beautiful Barcelona and happened to drop in on TechEd EMEA, or if you haven't found it elsewhere on the interwebs, I'd like to introduce you to... [drum roll]....

![Scott Guthrie showing an editor sample at PDC](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3243/2981755329_67cdfe4b12_d.jpg)

Scott Guthrie showing the "comment adornment" at PDC

![Another pic of Scott Guthrie showing the editor at PDC](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3147/2982612672_7ddce1e660_d.jpg)

Another pic of the same sample

The new editor!*

Continua alla Fonte: Hello, my name is: "New Editor"

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