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Chuck Norris e Silverlight

(c) Lorenzo Barbieri - 15/03/2010


Inspired by Chuck Norris and SharePoint: here’s Chuck Norris and Silverlight.

  1. Silverlight’s original codename was CN/E or Chuck Norris Everywhere.
  2. Even when Silverlight throws an AG_Unkown_Error, Chuck Norris knows what caused the problem.
  3. Chuck Norris not only codes XAML by hand, he does it while fighting off ninjas, terrorists, and kung fu masters.
  4. Even when you use hardware acceleration, Chuck Norris’ fists are still too fast to see them coming. 
  5. Chuck Norris chooses to put his files in isolated storage to protect you from him.
  6. Chuck Norris didn’t have to wait until version 4 to get Commanding support
  7. Chuck Norris doesn’t have to ask for permission to use your web cam.
  8. Chuck Norris has to run in out of browser mode. No browser can contain him.
  9. There’s actually only one timeline that matters: Chuck Norris’.
  10. Chuck Norris isn’t afraid to use Expression Blend. Expression Blend is afraid of being used by Chuck Norris.
  11. Chuck Norris doesn’t refactor to MVVM. MVVM refactors to Chuck Norris.
  12. In addition to COM Interop, Silverlight 4 now sports Roundhouse Kick Mode.

If you think of any more, let me know via Twitter. (@tableteer)

Fonte: Chuck Norris and Silverlight Facts

Tags: Silverlight Chuck Norris

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