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(c) Lorenzo Barbieri - 08/10/2009

Ecco il nuovo comodissimo tool di Sysinternals Disk2vhd per clonare dischi fisici e trasformarli in VHD compatibili con Windows 7, Windows Virtual PC e Hyper-V.

Il bello è che grazie a VSS è possibile creare snapshot anche di dischi usati da sistemi live:


Disk2vhd v1.0: We’re excited to announce a new Sysinternals tool, Disk2vhd, that simplifies the migration of physical systems into virtual machines (p2v). Just run Disk2vhd on the system you want to migrate and specify the volumes for which you want data included, and Disk2vhd creates a consistent point-in-time volume snapshot followed by an export of the selected volumes into one or more VHDs that you can add to a new or existing Hyper-V or Virtual PC virtual machine.

Fonte: New Tool: Disk2vhd v1.0

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Tags: Virtual PC Hyper-V Windows 7

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